
What does the whole thing cost in concrete terms?

Entrance examination.

The fee for the entrance examination is 100,- Euro. The amount is to be transferred in advance to the following account:

Sparkasse Gießen IBAN: DE 405135002502050658    BIC: SKGIDE5FXXX

The main study.

The main study costs 585,- Euro per month. The amount is booked by direct debit on the first of the month. The annual fee is 7.020,- Euro.

Music teacher in 1 year.

The music teacher in 12 months costs 799,- Euro per month. The amount is booked by direct debit on the first of the month. The annual fee of 9.588,- Euro.

Final exam.

The fee for the final exam is a one-time fee of 585,- Euro..

RPJAM College.

It’s simple: Your fees are the sum of the course fees you have booked and can be paid in monthly installments or as a one-time semester fee.

Main subjects







Audio Engineer

The monthly fee for the instrumental subjects and the Audio Engineer is 240,- Euro. The fee for the semester is therefore 1440,-.

Music Theory, Ear Training, Music Production

The monthly fee is 49,- Euro. The fee for the semester is therefore 294,-.

Elective Courses

Live on Stage


Social Media / Self-Marketing

Business Administration / Music Business

The elective courses cost 98,- Euro per month. The fee for the semester is therefore 588,- Euro.

An gesetzlichen Feiertagen und während der Schulferien des Bundeslandes Hessen findet der Unterricht nicht statt.

Start of course.

Summer semester

March 1st

Winter semester

September 1st

How to reach us.


+49 641 – 13 27 04 85


Grünberger Straße 140 – Building 600
35394 Gießen