
Are you interested in studying at RPJAM,
and wondering about financing?

Germany Scholarship

Through the Hans-Thomann-Foundation we can offer 2 scholarships at the beginning of the winter semester on September 1st of each year. The value here is 3,600 euros each. Half is funded by the Federal Republic of Germany via the Ministry of Education and Research, the other half by a private sponsor, in our case the Hans Thomann Foundation. Our heartfelt “thank you” goes out to them. These scholarships do NOT have to be repaid.

Since the summer semester of 2011, the Deutschlandstipendium has been supporting students and first-year students who are expected to achieve outstanding academic and professional results. They receive 300 euros a month – half from the federal government and the other half from private donors. This alliance of civil society involvement and state funding is what makes the Deutschlandstipendium so special. The concept of achievement on which the scholarship is based is deliberately broad: Good grades and academic achievements are just as much a part of it as the willingness to take on responsibility or successfully overcoming obstacles in one’s own life and educational path.

Briefly describe to us at what commitment drives you and why you should receive the scholarship.

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Deutschland Stipendium


As a vocational school, we are listed under Rock Pop Jazz Academy of Music GmbH in the Hessian directory of educational institutions. The application for this is always issued at the student’s primary residence.

The student BAföG to be applied for does not have to be repaid.
Click here for the BAföG calculator.

KfW education loan

A KfW education loan can be applied for during the last two years of education. This is repayable after completion of the studies with a small interest rate. The loan is limited to 300,- Euro per month. The advantages are that the application is relatively simple and the funding is independent of income.


Start of course.

Summer semester

March 1st

Winter semester

September 1st

How to reach us.


+49 641 – 13 27 04 85


Grünberger Straße 140 – Building 600
35394 Gießen