Vocals Module 1

Vocal exercises
– Warm Up
– Mobility & register balancing
– Front seat
– Volume & Dynamics
– Summary & Practice Plan

Performance on Stage
– Performance
– Song Selection
– Proper rehearsal

Solfege 1
– Explanation & basic music theory
– Intervals
– Major & Minor
– Conducting
– Sequences
– Scales
– Chords

Vocal Talk
– Student Questions & Myths
– Psyche in singing

Vocals Module 2

Performance on Stage
– Text analysis
– Emotion
– Tips & Tricks

Solfege 2
– Chords in 4 tone
– Sight-singing
– Church scales
– The circle of fifths
– Harmonic minor & Melodic minor

Microphone Technique
– Sound examples and application
– Important rules of conduct
– Dynamics

Breathing technique
– Breathing ranges
– Breathing technique
– Usage possibilities
– Sound influence

Vocals Module 3

Future oriented planning
– Z.O.P. Creation
– Flow
– Optimization of the Z.O.P

– The Larynx
– Breathing & Respiratory Areas
– The Stüzte
– Resonance chambers
– The diaphragm
– The tongue
– Mechanical function
– Vocal cords

Application of the controllable areas
– Larynx function
– Soft palate function
– Tongue function
– Vocal cord function

Vocals Module 4

Self & external perception
– Training of perception
– Detailed listening
– Justifications & Consequences

Summary Anatomy
– Mechanical functions
– Possible combinations

Techniques / Problem solving / Application
– Pitch problems
– Optimization of the voice type
– Belt, Twang, curve, edge …
– Shout, Rock Scream …
– Whistle register

Businesstalk- Z.O.P.
– Flow
– Real Talk
– Options and possibilities as a singer

Singer as profession
– Everyday life / Opportunities
– The Package Assistance

Vocals Module 5

Business talk and image development
– Management Project
– Budget Planning
– Artist Package

Rules on Stage
– soundcheck
– Live Performance
– Communication

Help – Soon I will be a teacher
– Constant stability & Professional teaching
– Teaching concepts
– Teaching
– Checklist
– Now you are the teacher

Body language
– Body posture
– Effect on voice
– Effect on external perception
– Voice sounds and voice analysis

Singer & Songwriter
– Introduction to
– songwriting
– Optimization and self-analysis
– Your first song
– Performance

Vocals Module 6

Jazz vs. pop singing
– Differentiation of the different styles
– Voice application in the different styles
– voice control

Jazz singing
– technical knowledge
– Analyze step chords
– Guideline & arpeggios
– Scat syllables & solo
– Step assignment HM & MM
– Scat Solo for All of me

Cubase D.A.W.
– Introduction Uses for Singers
– Workflow & studio singing
– Creating your own backing
– Singing & Tonality / Formant
– Rhythmic breathing
– Voice sound & function

After the training is before the training
– Assistance for the future
– Independence / Self-responsibility

Module 1, 3, 5    Start September 1st

Module 2, 5, 6    Start March 1st

All modules are freely selectable and can be attended by you online or in presence.



You enroll in one of the modules and attend classes at RPJAM for only 6 months. You are free to choose the modules you want to attend. Here you can limit yourself to one module or attend as many modules (also of the other departments) as you like.


Main studies

For the main course of studies you must have taken all 6 modules by the time you graduate. The order is variable, depending on when you start in September or March.