Music teacher in 1 year.

Become a music teacher – now in just 12 months.
We are currently experiencing that the profession of music teachers can be called crisis-proof. Supported by modern technology we are able to offer our lessons even during school closures and the general lockdown. Besides teaching, playing and having fun with our instruments, we have become an important source of communication and a part of social life in Covid 19 dominated times.
We have responded. Starting in March 2021, we at RPJAM will be offering the state-certified music teacher degree in just one year. You can start working as a music teacher 12 months after starting the training. A recent Bertelsmann study shows that 27,000 music teaching positions are currently unfilled in Germany.
You should already be an accomplished player on your main instrument in order to be well prepared for the entrance examination for this course. Using the application form, we will send you the documents for this course of study free of charge and without obligation.
Subjects of the study program
Contents of the study program “Music teacher in 1 year”:
- Main subject instrumental teaching
- Main subject instrumental pedagogy / specific problems
- Music pedagogy (didactics / methodology)
- Music theory / applied music theory, ear training
- Minor subject
- Rhythmics
- Ensemble playing / band coaching
- Multimedia in music education / studio / streaming requirements
- Music history
Start of course.
Summer semester
March 1st
Winter semester
September 1st
How to reach us.
+49 641 – 13 27 04 85
Grünberger Straße 140 – Building 600
35394 Gießen