BDFM Bundesverband der freien Musikschulen

BdFM – Teaching Certification.

Become a certified music teacher through RPJAM.

The BdFM – Teaching Qualification of the Federal Association of Independent Music Schools

On behalf of the Federal Association of Independent Music Schools, RPJAM conducts the examination for the BdFM teaching qualification. The BdFM teaching qualification shows minimum music pedagogical standards and entitles the holder to teach at certified music schools of the Federal Association of Independent Music Schools.

In order to teach at certified music schools of the BdFM, teachers need a BdFM teaching license if they do not have any of the following qualifications:

a. Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (artistic and/or pedagogical, subject music).
b. Graduate music teacher, graduate musician
c. state-certified or state-recognized music teacher
d. Master’s degree in music education
e. Teacher with a teaching qualification in music for general education schools
f. State examination as a school musician
g. Church musician with A or B final examination
h. Quality certificate of the Tonkünstlerverband Bayern




In cooperation with the Federal Association of Independent Music Schools we are responsible for the examination of teaching qualifications. RPJAM is state-approved as a vocational school and certified by the Hessian Ministry of Science and Art.


Info application

1. Mandatory information:

  • Video with the following content:
    • Presentation of the own person (approx. 1 min.)
    • Demonstration of musical abilities in good sound quality and two different stylistic directions. One example solo or in small ensemble / technical accompaniment. (Together max. ca. 10 min.)
    • Two teaching samples of approx. 30 min. each. (Instructions for the video teaching sample below)
  • Photograph
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form (pdf document)
  • Musical career
  • Proof and information about completed training and further education (e.g.: certificates, confirmations, for students: proof of studies)
  • Brief description of the teaching methods and materials used in the lessons
  • Extended police clearance certificate
  • Teaching concept (pdf document) consisting of:

    • Objective

    • Pedagogical and methodical concept

    • Teaching forms and structure

    • Overview of lesson contents


2. Additional information

  • Concert program of student concerts

  • Student successes (e.g. passed entrance exams, successful participation in Jugend musiziert, Abitur in music, musician in national bands, etc.)

  • Own compositions

  • Press reports, flyers, posters of concerts or projects


3. References

The submitted documents should prove the following:

  • at least 3 years of work as a musician
  • several years of work as a music teacher

If several and essential details are missing, further processing of the application may be refused. In case of lecturers for the subject EMP, no professional activity as a musician has to be proved.

Info about the video teaching sample


1. Production

  • Teaching samples must be submitted to RPJAM in files via or

  • The file format must be able to be opened by VCL media player ( e.g. .mov, .mp4, .wmv).

  • The sum of the videos should not exceed the maximum duration of 75 minutes. Longer videos cannot be scored completely.


2. Contents

The video(s) should contain these parts

  • Introduction of the person (approx. 1 minute)

  • Demonstration of instrumental skills (max. 2 x 5 minutes)

  • 2 teaching samples (approx. 30 minutes each)


The teaching sample should contain

An insight into teaching with the students. The teaching sample is the most important part of the video to be submitted. It should show as many facets of teaching as possible:


Instrumental / vocal lessons

  • Lesson recording with at least two different students

  • Different subjects

  • Different levels and ages of proficiency

  • No videos that contain, for example, only 15 minutes of warm-ups

Elementary music education

  • Lesson recording with at least two different groups

  • Different topics

  • Performance of two songs with own instrumental accompaniment (harmony instrument)

  • Different levels and age groups

  • No videos that contain, for example, only 15 minutes of warm-ups


The exam team

The examination team of the bdfm teaching qualification consists of qualified examiners with an appropriate reputation. The examination committee of an examination always consists of three persons or functions:

  • Chairperson
  • Pedagogical examiner
  • Instrumental/vocal subject examiner


Evaluation of the jury

1. Evaluation of personal data

  • Evaluation of curriculum vitae and professional success

  • Sustainability of professional activities as an educator / self-presentation

  • Completed training and further education

  • Successes student / teaching method / composition

2. Artistic / musical quality

  • artistic appearance, authenticity

  • Instrumental ability

  • Versatility / overall impression as a musician

3. Pedagogical qualification

  • Approach, contact with the student

  • Conveyance of content and lesson structure

  • Overall impression / teaching experience (several years)


The fees for the certification of teachers at music schools are 299,- Euro.

If the music school is a member of the BDFM, the fees are 249,- Euro.


Please transfer the fees in advance to the RPJAM account

IBAN DE40 5135 0025 0205 0658 48

Start of course.

Summer semester

March 1st

Winter semester

September 1st

How to reach us.


+49 641 – 13 27 04 85


Grünberger Straße 140 – Building 600
35394 Gießen